Good habits
Good habits

good habits

Good habits help man lead a disciplined and serene life. A person with bad habits is shunned by the society. A person with good habits is respected by others in the society. Good habits form a major part in such sustenance. They have to support each other so as to sustain their lives. The individuals in the present society live in groups. are other such habits which fulfill the needs of one’s soul. Going to the temple and offering prayers, giving alms to the poor, supporting the old etc. To lead on a peaceful life, man develops other good habits like reading, writing, listening to music, dancing, singing etc.

good habits good habits

are also considered noble or good habits. Other than this, observing the law, serving the poor and downtrodden, helping the sick and needy, giving shelter to the homeless, assisting someone with a handicap, etc. The basic good habits include respecting one’s elders, greeting people when one meets them, wishing them well when departing etc. Thus, to stay together in a group, man develops certain habits. As man is a social animal, he cannot live in alienation from other human beings. Societal needs leads to the development of good habits in the individuals. Other than this categorization, there are good and bad habits as well. These habits are usually picked up at a very young age. are acquired by an individual as he grows up. Habits like brushing, bathing, combing, wearing clothes, walking etc. There are certain other habits which are acquired in one’s lifetime. These are the habits over which man exercises no control. Habits like eating meals three times a day, drinking water, going to sleep in the night or the afternoon are instinctual in nature. There are some habits which are based on instinct.

Good habits